Defeat of the Born Alive Act

The U.S. Senate voted on and defeated a law that would mandate that a child that survives an abortion attempt must be treated as a human being and be given proper medical care.

This raises an interesting question. I have read that when shown a sonogram of their baby, many women seeking an abortion actually change their minds. Well, in the born alive instance, she is not looking at a sonogram, but the real thing. What if she too, changes her mind? Continue reading “Defeat of the Born Alive Act”

Liberal and Conservative – Stuck in the Same Swamp?

Over time, multiple administrations, Democrat and Republican, presumptively liberal and conservative respectively, have brought our society into a generally unhappy place. Polls show that most Americans feel our current state is not good and that we’re headed in the wrong direction. Most also sense that we’re where we are because of things we did or didn’t do, not because of external forces. Continue reading “Liberal and Conservative – Stuck in the Same Swamp?”

Thoughts On the Gender Spectrum


Sex used to be simple. There were just two, defined and fixed at conception. Now intellectuals have discovered gender, asserting that gender identity is essentially a cultural construct which, far from an either or phenomenon, is construed as a spectrum of genders blending from all female to all male and maybe other.
As much as traditionalists may be appalled, based on findings from behavioral and biological sciences, the basic assertion that much of our sexuality is (or can be) culturally defined seems to be a fact. So, if it’s science-based, what’s the problem?

Would God Make This World?

“The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.”

Richard Dawkins, scientist, popular science author and evangelical atheist.

The evidence of history and our experience is that the operation of the laws of the natural world generate a randomness that strike our lives with with everything from terrible misfortune to wild serendipity to dulling sameness. Would a good and loving god make such a world? The surprising answer I find is YES, and here is why.

Continue reading “Would God Make This World?”

Anyone Know How to Fight a War?

As far as I can tell, none of the aspirants to be Commander in Chief have shown much evidence of it, either in public statements or, for those who have or had it, in the exercise of authority. I don’t know how to run a war, but I do know a little about the history of war – how and why winners won and losers lost. There are lessons from the past we should be able to apply to the present. Continue reading “Anyone Know How to Fight a War?”

Climate Change is Real – Why Be Skeptical?

Climate change has been a constant in Earth’s history for some four billion years. It is a hot topic today mainly because people abuse language. Whether it is called “Climate Change,” “Climate Disruption,” “Global Warming,” or something else, it is really about Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) – the theory that man’s impact on the global environment through industrialization and burning fossil fuels is leading to dangerous, perhaps even catastrophic warming of the planet. Continue reading “Climate Change is Real – Why Be Skeptical?”

Science vs. Religion

I recently read that in 1981 the National Academy of Science approved the following statement; “Religion and science are separate and mutually exclusive realms of human thought whose presentation in the same context leads to misunderstanding of both scientific theory and religious belief.” Ian Barbour, “Religion and Science: Historical and Contemporary Issues,” (1997), quoted in […]